Tips From Dr.Reyes

Workplace Stress and How to Manage

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, workplace stress has become a common problem for many employees. The constant pressure to meet deadlines, high workload, and ...
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HIV/AIDS and how to treat it

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to infections and diseases. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is ...
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National Nutritional Month

March is National Nutrition Month, a time to focus on the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating habits. The theme for ...
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National Heart Health Month

February is National Heart Health Month, a time when people are encouraged to learn more about heart disease, its risk factors, and how to prevent ...
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Caregiver Support

Caregiving is a challenging role that requires a lot of time, energy, and emotional strength. Caregivers are individuals who provide assistance to loved ones who ...
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Preventing Cervical Spine Disorders: Tips for a Healthy Neck

The cervical spine, or neck, is a complex and delicate structure that is critical to our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, it is also prone ...
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Epigenetics: The Study of Gene Expression and Its Impact on Health

Epigenetics is a field of study that explores how environmental and lifestyle factors can affect gene expression and contribute to changes in our health. Unlike ...
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National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Impaired driving, also known as drunk driving, is a serious and preventable problem that poses a danger to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike. Every day, ...
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs during the same season each year, most commonly in the fall and winter months. ...
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