THE HOLIDAYS: Stress Reduction

stress reduction

THE HOLIDAYS: Stress Reduction

Thanksgiving is behind us but the holiday stress is still very much with us and will more than likely remain well into the New Year. As mentioned in our previous article on stress management, stress is a normal aspect of everyday life but during this time every year, it seems virtually everybody’s stress levels hit a spike. Planning ahead to keep up with the family, social commitments and  other holiday demands can help keep stress levels checked.

Event Planning

Hosting a dinner or gathering can be especially stressful during the holidays. Just thinking of the long lines at the market alone can make planning a dinner or gathering seem like a daunting task. To minimize possible complications you should consider the following:

        Keep the guest list to a manageable size

(this will vary by person and circumstances- location, space, etc.)

        Plan around realistic dates

        Stick to a simple menu

        Prep finger food and mixed cocktails ahead


Over a course of 12 days beginning around Thanksgiving, an average of 28.5 million Americans will fly for holiday break. The thought of that visual alone can set off stress alarms for many. Whether you’re revisiting familiar faces or experiencing a place for the first time, you may want to follow these recommendations when travelling during one of the most active travel days of the year:

        Avoid flying on the busiest dates

        Try booking direct flights

        Check-in online

        Pre-check bags

        Arrive at airport at least 45 minutes earlier than usual

(add more time for international flights)

        Follow the latest TSA regulations

(you may find them here

Make time for yourself

The only way these events can take place is if you are able bodied and minded, therefore making quality time for yourself is crucial when seasonal circumstances puts your time in high demand. Try to stay mindful of your stress triggers and try to avoid situations that can put you in high-stress mode. If at any point you feel overwhelmed, invest in a little self-care and practice healthy lifestyle habits and stress-coping strategies like:

        Plenty of sleep and rest

        Eating balanced meals

        Breathing exercises

        Going on walks

        Muscle stretches 

As you navigate through this holiday season, accept that there are things within your control and things outside of your control. Recognize when it’s time to take a step back and take care of your individual needs but most importantly, stay positive and enjoy your favorite parts of the season!

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